Webinar : Power to Molecules, Trends, Developments & Applications

Van : Friday, November 27, 2020
Tot : Friday, December 18, 2020
Venue : Virtual Event in 4 sessions


Ticket : Webinar Power to Molecules - Update price after log in. €305 Koop tickets 

Dear all,

KBVE-SRBE is delighted to invite you to a webinar in 4 sessions on “Power to Molecule”, with the participation of renowned specialists of the sector. 

This webinar will take place on 27/11, 4/12, 11/12 and 18/12 (from 11h00 till 13h30) divided as follows:

1.       Trends and strategy

2.       Energy system integration

3.       Technologies

4.       Applications

Your registration will give you all access to the 4 sessions and is offered at the following prices:

·         1. Non-members: 305€ HT

·         2. Members: 157€ HT

·         3. Members who are Teachers, -30s, students and pensioners: 57€ HT


Following your registration, you will receive a link through Microsoft Teams to attend the webinars a few days before the first session.


 Renewable electricity is expected to decarbonize a large share of the EU energy consumption by 2050 while Hydrogen is a key priority to achieve the European Green Deal and Europe’s clean energy transition. Therefore, hydrogen is enjoying a renewed and rapidly growing attention in Europe and around the world. Hydrogen can be used as a feedstock, a fuel, or an energy carrier and for storage. It has many possible applications across industry, transport, power, and buildings sectors. For hydrogen to contribute to climate neutrality, it needs to achieve a far larger scale and its production must become fully decarbonized.

Hydrogen has a strong potential to bridge some of the technology gap, as a vector for long term renewable energy storage, complementary to batteries ensuring back up for seasonal variations and connecting production locations to more distant demand centres and for transport. Furthermore, hydrogen can replace fossil fuels in some carbon intensive industrial processes, such as in the steel or chemical sectors, lowering greenhouse gas emissions and further strengthening global competitiveness for those industries.

Therefore, in the integrated energy system of the future hydrogen so called “renewable hydrogen” will play a role, alongside renewable electrification, and a more efficient and circular use of resources in a total decarbonized world.

4 Sessions - from 11h00 to 13h30.

27/11/2020 - Trends and Strategy


          The Future of Hydrogen, some viewpoints, and perspectives from the International Energy Agency (IEA) – Pr. JORIS PROOST (UCL)

          A hydrogen strategy for a climate neutral Europe Energy. PIERRE LOAEC (UE/DGE)

          Strategic H2 vision for Flanders - ISABEL FRANCOIS (Waterstofnet)


4/12/2020 - Energy system integration

          Fuel for future – more molecules or deep electrification in Belgium’s energy system by 2050 – DANIELLE DEVOGELAER (Bureau federal du plan)

          Contribution of the electro- and bio- energy carriers to the Belgian security of supply in 2040 and beyond – Pr. HERVE JEANMART (UCL)

          Benefits of long-term storage using power-to-gas – YVES VERCAMMEN (Fluxys)

          Hydrogen – a power sector’s perspective - NICOLAS GIELIS (Elia)


11/12/2020 - Technologies

          Towards a new Carbon-Neutral economy in the Ghent area of North Sea Port - PATRICK LAFONTAINE (CCU hub)

          Driving the future of fuel cell and hydrogen technologiesBAUDOUIN DE LANNOY (Hydrogenics Europe)

          Energy for Miles, Power for Comfort: Autonomous traction for public transport - YVES CARELS (Alstom)

          Carbon neutral economy: Role of CCU methane - DANIEL MARENNE (Engie)

          Tbc, Fuel cells and Hydrogen joint undertaking – BART BIEBUYCK (EU-FCH)


18/12/2020 – Applications

          A closer look at e-ammonia – ZAC CESARO (Siemens Energy)

          Why the zero-carbon energy transition will imply the use of lots of Carbon - JAN MERTENS (ENGIE)

          Project van methanol als marine brandstof in de haven van Antwerpen – SEBASTIAN VERHELST (UGent)

          Fuel Cell Electric Bus: it works and it's ready! GEERT VAN HECKE (Van Hool)

          Conclusions – PATRICK HENDRICK (ULB)



Contactpersoon : Patricia Matthys
Email : info@kbve-srbe.be