Half day Seminar Creating the e-mobility way, today and tomorrow, 3rd October 2023 (PM)

Van : Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Tot : Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Venue : FEBIAC - Boulevard de la Woluwe - Woluwedal 46 - 1200 Bruxelles/Brussel


Ticket E-Mobile way. Prices for members after login automatically adjust to between 40€ till 180€ €248 Koop tickets 

Creating the e-mobility way, today and tomorrow

October 2023, 3rd  13:00 – 17:00 


Boulevard de la Woluwe - Woluwedal 46 - 1200 Bruxelles/Brussel


The Royal Belgian Society for Energy is pleased to invite you to "Creating the e-mobile way, today and tomorrow," on October 3rd. This enlightening conference will bring together industry experts, C-Level executives, and major participants in the e-mobility sector.


Guiding us through this transformative journey will be our moderators, Patrick Hendrick from ULB and Jan Declercq from KBVE. They will guide us through the subject of e-mobility as an important catalyst in the decarbonization of loads as part of the Energy transition. Prepare for an informative review of the policy ecology and an examination of the most recent technological possibilities. We will delve deeply into grid transmission and distribution, building flexibility in the grids and an eco-system. Opportunities to share views and join the discussions.




We have curated a lineup of renowned speakers who are pioneers in the e-mobility landscape. The IEA's Javier Jorquera will educate us on grid integration and policy tools. ELIA's Michael Piron and François De Hoe will discuss how to unleash flexibility, build an ecosystem, and prepare the transmission grid for future needs. Prof. Johan Driesen from KULeuven-Energyville presents the challenges on high power charging for industry e-mobility and prof Damien Ernst from Université de Liège will share the latest insights on retailing models for integrating EV. Furthermore Inne Mertens, CEO of Sibelga, details the ambitions in Brussels. Astara Western Europe, Anne Potemans, and Hyundai Motor Netherlands, Christiaan Pielkenrood will share its developments in Vehicle to Grid and Febiac’s CEO, Andreas Cremer, will share the insights and challenges on e-mobility today and tomorrow.


Program October,3 – 13h00/17h00


       Conference at Febiac – Boulevard de la Woluwe - Woluwedal 46 - 1200 Bruxelles/Brussel

       Chairmen Patrick Hendrick ULB – Jan Declercq KBVE SRBE


Participation fees

Non members 

300,00 EUR

Members :


Members SRBE-KBVE and SEE – Members KVAB - members from public federal and regional services

180,00 EUR

Teachers, professors

40,00 EUR

Young professionals (-30 year)

40,00 EUR

Students, (- 26 year)


Retired professionals

40,00 EUR

Prices include taxes (21%)

The participants will receive the contributions of the seminar, access to coffee and refreshments and after drink.

Registration to the event before the 26/09:

For all questions regarding registrations, please contact us:

KBVE-SRBE - C/o Synergrid

Patricia Matthys, Galerie Ravensteingalerij 4 box 2 - 1000 Brussel/Bruxelles

Tel.: +32 2 237 11 18  – E-mail: patricia.matthys@synergrid.be


"La SRBE met tout en œuvre pour respecter la loi sur la saine concurrence."

"De KBVE stelt alles in het werk om de wet op de gezonde concurrentie na te leven

Contactpersoon : Patricia Matthys
Telefoon : 02 237 11 18
Email : patricia.matthys@synergrid.be