Study Day: New concepts for electricity pricing - 01/04/2022 - 09:00 - 17:30

Du : Friday, April 1, 2022
Au : Friday, April 1, 2022
Venue : ULB Solbosch - Building S – Solbosch, entrance via avenue Jeanne - Johannalaan 44 - 1050 Bruxelles/Brussel

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Ticket Workshop new concepts for electricity pricing (updated price after login) €496 Acheter des billets 


Journée d’étude – Studiedag 

Study day: new concepts for electricity pricing


01-04-2022 (09:00 – 17:30) 

(Live event at ULB)

ULB Solbosch salle Dupréel - Building S, entrance via

Avenue Jeanne - Johannalaan 44 - 1050 Bruxelles/Brussel


Inscriptions / Inschrijvingen: 

via le site internet – via de website: 

ou par email – of via email: 

Informations / Informatie: 

 This Study Day will address the following issues:

1.      Design and evolution of the electricity market

2.      A sustainable market price for electrical energy to ensure the availability and profitability of controllable and / or reserve generation units necessary to balance supply and demand.

3.      Are we experiencing an uncertainty or scarcity of either electrical energy or power?

4.      Therefore, do we need new pricing concepts for electricity: an energy market including the supply / demand of reserve power? a capacity market? other ancillary services for reserve power?

5.      Wholesale electricity market and scarcity pricing

6.      Hardware and software tools to implement new concept of electricity pricing 

To discuss and share the most appropriated topics, we invite to participate electricity market specialists from companies involved in this field, such as

1.      Ministers, Ministries, Regulatory Authorities, … in charge of electricity,

2.      Power Exchanges, TSOs and DSOs,

3.      Electricity generators, Suppliers, Traders, Aggregators, …

4.      Industrials, Representants of Consumers

01/04/2022, ULB Solbosch salle Dupréel

Agenda – Chairman: Benoit Aubard, Sia Partners

9h00 – 17h30



Introduction: Hubert Lemmens, vice-chairman KBVE-SRBE



From a system where the productions followed the load to a system where the loads will follow the production: a TSO perspective – ELIA, David Zenner




The electrification of heating and mobility are crucial for enabling Europe’s transition to a net-zero society. In addition, the flexibility that is embedded in the use of electrical appliances such as car batteries and heat pumps could play an important role in maintaining the balance in a system that contains a high amount of intermittent renewables and a decreasing amount of thermal generation.

The technologies needed to encourage demand side participation - such as digital meters, cloud computing and the Internet of Things - are available today. They could offer end consumers the opportunity to capitalize on moments when there are high amounts of renewables in the grid. However, the large-scale participation of retail demand side flexibility is not yet happening.

One key reason for this is that the current market design includes several barriers which prevent the active participation of small flexibility assets. The Consumer-Centric Market Design (CCMD) addresses these barriers.

Once it has been rolled out, existing and new suppliers will be able to provide their customers with better services, allowing them to reap the benefits of the flexibility embedded in their appliances.

The CCMD will offer the energy sector an incredible opportunity. It will allow the efficient integration of more renewable energy will allow consumers to reap the benefits of their investments in flexible assets (such as heat pumps, EVs, solar PV and electrical boilers) and will support the decarbonisation of society.


CV :


David Zenner (°1979) joined ELIA in 2003. As Head of Customers, he is responsible for the customer relations of the company and the creation of the necessary building blocks to evolve to a consumer-centric electricity system such as an upgraded market design, easy data access and setting up an ecosystem to facilitate the creation of “Energy-as-a-Service” business models.


Before that, he was responsible for the activities related to operations and maintenance of the grid in different areas of Belgium.


He holds a Master of Science in Electromechanical Engineering of the University of Ghent and a Master of Electrical Engineering from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).




Main trends for the Green PPA projects – ENGIE: François Boisseleau, Maxime Vermeire


Abstract :


Notre présentation propose d’expliquer les « basics » des green PPA et de présenter rapidement quelques cas concrets. L’idée est de commencer avec une typologies des green PPA, l’intérêt pour les consommateurs, la dynamique de marché au niveau international. Ensuite nous reverrons les aspects risques & prix des green PPA et finirons avec deux exemples ( Google et BASF). En conclusion nous verrons que les green PPA sont une tendance de fond sur les marchés et qu’ils représentent dorénavant un élément clef de décarbonisation de nombreux acteurs.



CV François Boisseleau

  • François started his career in 1999 at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands in collaboration the University of Paris IX  Dauphine where his received his PhD in on the topics of electricity Power Exchanges.
  • François joined Engie in 2007 where he led the team responsible for energy market analysis and  economic analysis of commitment files in Italy, Greece, Turkey, Middle East, Asia and Africa.
  • From 2014 to 2018 he worked in several positions in downstream activities (Marketing & Sales) in Europe for both B2B and B2C customers with a focus on new business & services developments.
  • Since 2019 he is part of the Regulatory and Public affairs department of Engie Benelux focusing on: security of supply, the future of Nuclear, Renewables developments, CCGT, Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms, Hydrogen and National Energy and Climate Plan
  • Prior to joining Engie he worked in the Markets & Regulation Team of KEMA Consulting Europe in Bonn (Germany).


CV Maxime Vermeire


MSC FINANCE Imperial College Business School, 08-09, Merit

MSC CIVIL ENGINEERING (ELEC-MECH) Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 03-08, Summa Cum Laude




·        HEAD OF STRUCTURING AND ORIGINATION POWER BUSINESS PLATFORM ENGIE – GLOBAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT Jul20 - present Managing a platform of 55 professionals that structure and commercialize renewable and flexible asset & risk management services and products for internal and external clients

·          MEMBER BOARD OF DIRECTORS CONTI 7 GROUP Jan21 - present Advising on energy, risk management and environmental topics HEAD OF STRUCTURED POWER ORIGINATION AND PPA STRUCTURING DESK ENGIE – GLOBAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT Jan16 – Jul20 Managing a 3 teams of 8 professionals originating structured power transactions focusing on thermal asset optimization products, consumer flexibility optimization environmental products and Corporate PPAs (heading the teams as of Jan18)

·        SALES TRADER ENGIE – GLOBAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT Sep 09 – Dec15 Originate energy risk management services for large industrials across Europe (power, gas, oil, coal and environmental products). Started as Trading and Portfolio Management Trainee


Coffee pause


Vision on future electricity pricing from the federal Minister of Energy –

Bram De Wispelaere – Office Ministry Tinne Van der Straeten


Fundamental principles - Wholesale electricity price and scarcity pricing – CREG, Alain Marien


Abstract :


The presentation will start with, as an introduction, a recent example of the daily evolution of the wholesale daily electricity prices. Then, the presentation will cover the key objectives of the electricity markets liberalisation, with economics law applied to electricity, including the challenges linked to market failures and their consequences. The marginal price rule will be presented in a stepwise manner, together with the concept of peak load pricing as fundamentals of the price formation in energy only market design. Then, the concept of scarcity pricing will be presented together with its integration in the general theory. Finally, some considerations will cover the recent issue of extremely high prices.   


CV :


Alain has joined CREG, the Belgian Energy Regulator, in June 2000 in the Department in charge of the Technical Operation of the market, after working for 18 years for Tractebel.

In February 2010, Alain was appointed as Co-Chair of the ENM-TF of ERGEG/ ACER, in charge of the coordination of the development of the EU Network Codes and in particular of the elaboration of the Framework Guidelines on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management.

Since August 2016 till September 2021, Alain was co-chairing the Future Policy Task Force of ACER/CEER in charge of the coordination of NRAs activities related to the Clean Energy Package and the definition of future policies evolutions.  

He specialised in market design and congestion management issues, and more recently in scarcity pricing mechanism.



Electricity market: evolutions and expectations from a supplier’s point of view - FEBEG,
Marc Vandenbosch


Als inleiding :


De marktsituatie is helemaal gewijzigd op enkele maanden. Prijzen zijn historisch hoog met effecten op consumenten en leveranciers. De technologische evoluties zullen veel nieuwe toepassingen mogelijk en nodig maken. Welke zijn de uitgangspunten voor nieuwe vormen van samenwerking en diensten voor de consumenten




CV :

Marc is burgerlijk scheikundig ingenieur (Universiteit Gent). Hij werkte van 1998 tot eind augustus 2012 bij het Kenniscentrum van VOKA waar hij Senior Adviseur Energie en Milieu was. Voordien werkte hij als projectleider bij Centexbel, het Wetenschappelijk en technisch centrum van de Belgische textielindustrie.
In zijn hoedanigheid van directeur-generaal van FEBEG neemt Marc Van den Bosch de dagelijkse leiding van FEBEG op zich. Hij coördineert de verschillende dossiers en is tevens woordvoerder van de federatie.



Q & A




Recent report on “Powering the Energy Transition through Efficient Network Tariffs” – EURELECTRIC, Yvan Hachez


Abstract :


The ongoing crisis has shown us that the energy transition must accelerate. For this, the backbone of our electricity systems, the networks, must be prepared to accommodate massive additions of renewables, millions of EVs and heat pumps, and different consumer behaviours. But network tariffs must also adapt to better reflect the future utilisation of the grid.

Based on findings from Eurelectric’s latest report on this topic, we would like to explore how setting network rates to offer the optimal benefit to users and operators of the grid is the missing piece in a market design that supports the efficient use of the grid and incentivises new uses of electricity.


CV :


Yvan HACHEZ is Head of Market Design and Regulatory Economics at ENGIE. He holds an engineering degree in applied mathematics and a PhD in applied sciences, both from UCLouvain (Belgium).  He started his career in the European electricity sector in 2003. Since then he has held various positions related to economic valuation of projects, scenario analysis of energy markets, impact assessments of their fundamentals changes, investment files, regulatory topics, etc. He is vice-chairman of EURELECTRIC’s Markets and Investments Committee.


MSC FINANCE Imperial College Business School,


Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 03-08, Summa Cum Laude PASSED CFA LEVEL




Industrial consumers' views on market design and electricity pricing - FEBELIEC, Peter Claes


Abstract :


Energy market liberalization in the EU was meant to use competition across the continent as a main driver towards competitive energy prices and security of supply for European consumers at the lowest possible cost. The current energy prices crises, lack of harmonisation of national energy policies and the impact of climate policy are some of the reasons why the question is raised if current energy market design is still the most suitable to reach these targets. In this presentation, industrial consumers’ major concerns are listed, with some suggestions for solutions.




Peter Claes graduated in Managerial Economics at the Catholic University Leuven in 1984 and was Research Assistant in the same department until 1986. From 1987 until 1992 he was Research Department Analyst of the Belgian Economy at the BBL in Brussels. In 1992 he became Director of the Economic Department of essenscia (Federation of the Chemical Industry and Life Sciences, previously called FEDICHEM), where he was General Manager from 2002 until end 2008. He also became Board Member of FEBELIEC (Federation of Belgian Industrial Energy Consumers) in 1994, and from May 1996 until May 2003, he was President of this same federation. Since January 2009, he has been full time active for FEBELIEC. Since November 1998, he has been Vice-President of IFIEC Europe (International Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers), and was also President of this federation between April 2003 and 2007, and again since June 2021.


Impact of the CO2 and gas prices on electricity prices – Sia Partners, Danielle Devogelaer


Abstract :


A bumpy road to net zero emissions


This presentation provides a deep dive into the fundamentals of the marginal pricing mechanism for European wholesale power prices.

After a brief introduction on the ETS, the main drivers for Belgium are identified and quantified.

It then zooms in on how high(er) carbon and natural gas prices can affect electricity prices in the medium term.

Finally, a long-term perspective of how the current pricing system could be adapted to a net zero-carbon economy is outlined. The question is raised (and answered) as to what mechanisms may set the price and trigger investments when fossil fuels are removed from the electricity mix. Alternative market designs are proposed that can address the potential challenges.


CV :

Danielle Devogelaer is a commercial engineer, graduated magna cum laude at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium). For 17 years, she was part of the Energy-Transport team at the Brussels based Federal Planning Bureau. Since October 1, 2022, she joined management consulting firm Sia Partners as manager Energy & Utilities.

Her principal research interests lie in the fields of long-term energy and emissions’ projections with a passion for electricity. Main research accomplishments in the energy field are to be situated within the analysis of national black-outs and the determination of the Value of Lost Load, the documentation of long-term energy projections with the PRIMES model, impact assessments of the European Climate-Energy Packages on the Belgian energy system (and economy) and the electricity modelling of the future Belgian power system. In this regard, she was appointed member of several energy commissions publishing policy relevant reports on the Belgian long-term energy future as well as on the ideal energy mix for Belgium.

She was appointed board member of the Benelux Association for Energy Economics (BAEE) and she is member of the Reflection Group on Energy of the Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium. Danielle is a frequent speaker at (inter)national (academic) conferences on themes that surpass national boundaries like interconnections and merit-order effects.


Q & A + Coffee pause


Smart Meters as an enabler for new tariffs, DSOs

Ultra-high dynamic tariffs to avoid congestion on TSO and DSO networks – ORES,
David Vangulick


Abstract :


Le monde de l’énergie change. C’est devenu une évidence. La façon dont nous la consommons et la produisons n’est déjà plus la même comparé aux 5 années précédentes et les choses s’accélèrent, pousser par les préoccupations du réchauffement climatique. Au cœur de ces changements, il y a les nouvelles opportunités qui sont apportées par la digitalisation mais surtout par et pour vous les clients.


C’est ce qu’est IO.Energy (ou Internet Of Energy) qui est en à sa deuxième édition. Celle-ci  se concentre principalement sur les 3 défis suivants :

·        Le défis de la clientèle : Comment trouver un équilibre entre l’encouragement des clients voulants avoir un rôle actif dans la transition énergétique, leur attente et une facture maitrisée ?

·        Le défis sociétal : Comment accélérer l’intégration des productions d’énergie vertes, tout en préconisant un utilisation rationnelle de l’énergie et en restant le plus inclusif à un maximum de client ?

·        Le défis de la gestion du système électrique tant globalement que localement : Comment assurer que le système électrique reste stable, qu’il soit le pont entre différentes sources d’énergie tout en étant de plus en plus décentralisé ?


Pour répondre à ces 3 défis, dans le cadre de l’environnement IO.Energy, nous proposons un service où les gestionnaires de réseau présentent un nouvelle grille tarifaire dynamique qui intègre les risques de congestions sur les réseaux et au niveau du système. Cette grille tarifaire, qui évoluera chaque jour,  permettra aux clients participants d’avoir un tarif préférentiel quand le risque de congestion est bas et vice-versa.


CV :


        Engineer at ORES (one of the main distribution companies in Belgium ( since 2011 but with 15 years of experience in the energy distribution (previously Engie Group),

        In charge of Service « Networks and Market Prospective»  that covers :

        Analyzing major trends in energy needs and their impacts on the distribution network (including stability)

        Planning of electrical networks (medium voltage) and gas (medium pressure)

        Industrial plan & business plan  (period > 15 years)

        Strategies overview and innovation regarding networks and market activities

        Chairman of

        Belgian TSO-DSO join Working Group Low Emision Mobility (LEM Synergrid)

        In addition to these duties at ORES, currently (privately) pursuing a PHD on the deployment Blockchain technology applied to electricity market and network operation (University of Liège (ULiège) (










Social tariff for Households - Sia Partners, Alexandre Viviers



Over the past years and especially amid the high energy prices that we are currently experiencing, the social tariff for electricity and natural gas has demonstrated its strengths:

  • Benefiting almost 1M households for power (0.6M for gas), the social tariff is the largest policy measure in the fight against energy poverty
  • It is identical for all suppliers and is calculated based on the lowest commercial prices and grid tariffs. Combined with a capping mechanism, this represents +/- 900 EUR/year for an average electricity consumption and +/- 3 000 EUR/year for an average gas consumption
  • On top of this financial advantage, the status of protected customer provides additional regional advantages
  • Although imperfect, the current social tariff mechanism offers several key benefits to its beneficiaries

This presentation points at (at least) 3 avenues for further improvement:

  1. The definition and identification of households in energy poverty must be improved. In the meantime, 2 improvements can be brought to the categories eligible to social tariff: introduce a revenues criterion and extend the right to social tariff to households with to a collective heating installation
  2. The capping mechanism has proven to be useful but does not guarantee that the social tariff always remains the most attractive. Close monitoring and possible adaptations might be needed in the coming months
  3. There must be systematic bridges between the social tariff and policy measures in favor of energy efficiency 


Alexandre Viviers graduated in 2013 as Business Engineer from the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management. Curious about how intertwined the technical, economic, environmental and social dimensions of energy are, he dedicated his master thesis to multi-criteria decision-making applied to the electricity mix.  


Immediately after his studies, Alexandre joined Sia Partners where he now is Senior Manager. He dedicates most of his time to the ongoing energy transition, quantifying and qualifying its impacts in order to support public and private decision-making. He started studying energy poverty in 2013 and has run multiple assignments, among others, for the King Baudouin Foundation and its Platform against energy poverty. Alexandre's other fields of expertise include energy suppliers' end-to-end processes, emerging technologies (heat pumps, hydrogen, etc.), and (technical) working group facilitation.  


Alexandre also actively contributes to the public debate around Energy & Climate, by participating in conferences and media interviews


Round table steered by Pr. Hendrick (ULB): CREG, TSO, FEBELIEC, FEBEG, DSO, Sia Partners, ...


Conclusions – Conclusies

Verre de l’amitié – Drink


 Informations / Inlichtingen:

Patricia Matthys

Inscriptions / Inschrijvingen:

De préférence avant le 25 mars 2022 / Bij voorkeur vóó25 maart 2022:

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