Conference/Seminar: Contribution of Nuclear to the Energy Transition - 30/03/2023 - 09h30 - 16h30 and visit SCK CEN at Mol/Dessel - 31/03/2023 at 10h00

Du : Thursday, March 30, 2023
Au : Friday, March 31, 2023
Venue :
Blue Point - Diamant building, Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80 - 1000 Brussels
Des billets
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Ticket conference Nuclear 30/03/2023 only. Prices for members after login adapts automatically from 75€ till 270€ | €372 | Acheter des billets |
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Ticket conf. Nuclear 30/03/2023 and visit Mol 31/03/2023. Member Prices after login adapts automatically from 100€ till 360€ | €496 | Acheter des billets |
March 2023, 30 & 31
Conference/Seminar March, 30 – 9h30 to 16h30
Blue Point - Bd Reyers, 80 - 1030 Brussels, Room Archimède
Visit March, 31 – 10h00 to 16h00: SCK-CEN at Mol
Lakehouse - Boeretang, 201 - 2400 Mol
As part of its activities, the KVBE-SRBE organizes several workshops to discuss technologies for the energy transition using electrical energy. The last event on 24 November 2022 highlighted the need for electricity to decarbonize industry including hydrogen production for industrial applications. In addition, the demand for electricity will increase as part of the electrification of transport as shown by our past event about e-mobility on 26/02/2019.
The KVBE-SRBE has decided to organize, in collaboration with SCK CEN and KVAB/ Reflectiegroep Energie, 2 days of reflection about the use of nuclear power in the coming decades to meet the demand for carbon-free energy in addition to Renewable Energies. This comprehensive seminar highlights all important aspects of the future of nuclear technologies and gets you up to speed on latest developments including Small Modular Reactor.
The organization is planning a brainstorming seminar in Brussels and a visit to the Belgian nuclear research center in Mol developing the MYRRHA and MINERVA projects.
With this event, the KVBE-SRBE intends to bring together all stakeholders on this topic covering the coming decades for a CO2-neutral society. This will concern all interested people as teachers, professors, students, specialists, engineers, business, industry and public stakeholders,… It will be complemented in 2023 by another KVBE-SRBE event relating to wind power, particularly offshore installation.
Program March,30 – 9h30/16h30
• Conferences at Blue Point – Diamant building - Brussels
• Chairman Patrick Hendrick, Prof. ULB – Head of Aero-Thermo-Mechanics Dpt
09:00 |
Welcome coffee |
09:30 |
Introduction |
The contribution of nuclear to the energy transition, the context: Nathal Severijns – Prof. KULeuven |
Studie die Energyville heeft uitgevoerd over de energievooruitzichten naar 2050 toe: Pieter Lodewijks - VITO |
Nuclear and European Energy Policy – trends and challenges: Yvan Pouleur – EC/DG Energy |
After 20 years, another nuclear renaissance?: Jan Vande Putte - GreenPeace |
FGOV State of art horizon 2040: Alberto Fernandez – FPS Economy/DGE/ Nuclear application |
12:15 |
Lunch |
Economische aspecten van nucleaire ontwikkelingen: François Boisseleau – Engie Belgium |
Overview of nuclear technologies: Rafael Fernandez – SCK CEN |
Comparative assessment of candidate reactor designs: Philippe Monette – Expert in nuclear technology |
Focus on Small Modular Reactors – A vision from the industry: Anicet Touré - TRACTEBEL |
14:45 |
Coffee pause (Courtesy of Tractebel) |
Closing Fuel Cycle including P&T & SMRs; A game changer for nuclear energy: Hamid Ait Abderrahim - General manager of MYRRHA |
16:15 |
Round Table with the speakers and representatives of the civil society: Criteria of the new nuclear technologies as drivers of the energy transition |
Program March,31 – 10h/16h
Visit SCK CEN at Mol: Lakehouse - Boeretang, 201 - 2400 Mol
Organizers & sponsors: SCK CEN & MYRRHA
- The number of participants is limited to 50 persons (first in).
- Separate registration is required not later than 20/03 according to the link sent after your registration:
10:00 | Arrival & Welcome – Lakehouse / Boeretang 201 – 2400 Mol |
10:15 | Presentation SCK CEN & main research lines: Peter Baeten – Director General |
10:45 | Studie Presentation MYRRHA Large research infrastructure : Hamid AIT ABDERRAHIM – General Manager of MYRRHA |
11:15 | Presentation SMR initiative in Belgium : Marc SCHYNS - Institute Director Advanced Nuclear Systems |
11:45 | Q & A |
12:00 |
Lunch |
13:30 |
Visit MYRRHA Heavy Liquid Metal Technology complex : Hamid AIT ABDERRAHIM – General Manager of MYRRHA Since the start of the MYRRHA project, SCK CEN has implemented an extensive R&D program to support the development of the reactor. A strong R&D program has especially been developed on the use of lead-bismuth (LBE), a liquid metal alloy, as a coolant for the reactor. Within this R&D program, SCK CEN has developed several facilities such as COMPLOT in which prototypes of control rods are tested. HEXACOM, combined with COMPLOT, tests the thermal dissipation of heat exchangers. MEXICO tests the oxygen regulation of LBE. With CRAFT, liquid metal corrosion on structural materials is tested. E-SCAPE studies the liquid and heat flows of LBE in the reactor vessel. RHAPTER verifies the utility of movable mechanical components in an LBE environment. Beside the research program supporting the development of the MYRRHA reactor, work is also being performed on ISOL@MYRRHA, a facility for the production of new radioisotopes. The focus of this research program is on achieving a high level of efficiency and purity. For this research program, specific test facilities are being built and used in “Labo2”. |
15:00 | Drink, discussion and network |
16:30 | Closure |
Peter BAETEN Director-General |
Max. 50 personen |
Hamid AIT ABDERRAHIM General Manager of MYRRHA |
Marc SCHYNS Institute Director Advanced Nuclear Systems |
Fees participation
Members SRBE-KBVE and SEE – Members KVAB - members from public federal and regional services |
360,00 EUR |
Non members |
600,00 EUR |
Teachers, professors |
236,00 EUR |
Young professionals (-30 year) |
100,00 EUR |
Students (- 26 year) |
100,00 EUR |
Retired professionals |
100,00 EUR |
Prices include taxes (21%)
The participants will receive the contributions of the seminar, access to coffee and refreshments, lunch and after drink and access to SCK-CEN.
Visit to SCK-CEN is limited to 50 participants. The visit to the seminar has no limitations of attendees. For seminar only, a discount of 25% is applicable
Registration to the event by preference before the 20/03
For all questions regarding registrations, please contact us:
KBVE-SRBE - C/o Synergrid
Patricia Matthys, Galerie Ravensteingalerij 4 box 2 - 1000 Brussel/Bruxelles
Tel.: +32 2 237 11 18 – E-mail:
"La SRBE met tout en œuvre pour respecter la loi sur la saine concurrence."
"De KBVE stelt alles in het werk om de wet op de gezonde concurrentie na te leven”